Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Birthday girl!

Mental Toughness

The Bruins of UCLA a few years ago.... they were underdogs in this game vs. USC, having lost to them earlier in the season.  The NEVER GIVE UP attitude is part of their success.  

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Life Lessons

Savor the Small Stuff

All too often, we forget to slow down and find joy in what’s going on around us. So we pass by beautiful views and sounds without noticing, we inhale food without tasting, we’re dismissive of compliments and friendly gestures without acknowledging. Practice savoring on a daily basis, so it becomes second nature.

Research shows that people who appreciate and savor what they have -- their possessions, traits, relationships or accomplishments – feel more grateful and hopeful, which boosts self-confidence.

When “mindfulness” becomes a habit, the neural pathways in our brains linked to positive feelings become stronger and more active, increasing the chances we will continue to feel happier in the future.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Shooting (and other) inspiration

Stanford women sometimes take a train to their local games.  This video talks about why they do that, but it also shows a lot of goal highlights.  I thought you'd like to see some of the many ways to score.  Sometimes watching people shoot can give you motivation! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Driving Defense: How To

Here's some hints on how to defend the driver without getting BURNED!