Monday, March 31, 2014

Basic defense reminders

This video will help you remember some basic defensive principles.  It's a simplification, but it is a good reminder.  Click on this:
Basic Defense

Friday, March 21, 2014


This Friday and Saturday, and next week Friday and Saturday, the University of Hawaii will be hosting top collegiate teams at the Duke Kahanamoku Aquatic Complex on the lovely campus of the University of Hawaii.  Top ranked USC, Indiana and Long Beach State will be here this week and UCLA and UC Irvine will be here next week.  It's free and fun!! Go support my former team!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Little Sister at Prom

Spring Break!

Game tomorrow at 5pm.  I'll see you at the pool at 4pm!  

Spring Break practice time with Intermediates= Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 2:45-4:00 pm.  You are encouraged to train on your own and stay in shape.  Taking 10 days off will be VERY bad for you and for our team.  Swimming anyone?  Make sure you do it!  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Play at Center

Remember when we were working on this?  Here are two Olympians demonstrating the move(s) that make you a strong center.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Demonstration of how to work the ball in hand and/or draw a foul.  This is 4 time Olympian, Brenda Villa showing you how to work the ball and use the contact from the defense to protect the ball and make a pass.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Good form for shooting

Want to see above and underwater video of how to maintain body position during shooting??

On Mental Toughness....

“Competitive sports are played mainly on a five-and-a-half inch court, the space between your ears.”- Bobby Jones

Saturday, March 8, 2014

vs. 'Iolani

Saturday Practice

For those of you who did not make it to the pool this morning, here's what they did:
I want to thank Gabi for spearheading this effort and for the 12 of you who showed up to work on your skills!  I'm glad to see that you're motivated because we CAN and WILL continue to improve with HARD WORK, POSITIVE ATTITUDE, MENTAL TOUGHNESS, LEADERSHIP, and if we have TEAM PLAYERS!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


SMILE!  It's time for our team picture.  4pm Thursday in your TEAM SUIT.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


The 5 characteristics that coaches value most in their athletes are, WHAT?
(List them in the comments....)
You ALL have the potential to display these qualities!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Practice Good Habits

"Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly." -Shaquille O'Neal
I think this is especially important when our time is limited.  Make an effort to practice how you'd like to play in games.  If every shot, every pass, is made with focus and effort during practice, you're more likely to be able to execute in games!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Somethings are worth missing a game for...

Looking good!

Doing our job on the bench!!
Sure, we may have lost a couple games yesterday, but we sure can have fun doing it!  I hope those loses make you motivated to work hard and do whatever you need to do to help us continue to improve during each practice opportunity and as we progress through the weeks.  We LIKE and WANT to win, so it's important that we do the little things in practice in order to continue to improve.  Tomorrow is our Monday meeting.  3 minutes for each sister group.  We will be doing "legs" behind the goal AFTER practice while the sister groups get pulled out for their meeting.  Plan on being released at 5:45pm.

Game at Kamehameha vs. LeJardin on Wednesday (we will need drivers)
Game at Iolani vs. Iolani on Friday (we will need drivers)