Sunday, March 2, 2014

Looking good!

Doing our job on the bench!!
Sure, we may have lost a couple games yesterday, but we sure can have fun doing it!  I hope those loses make you motivated to work hard and do whatever you need to do to help us continue to improve during each practice opportunity and as we progress through the weeks.  We LIKE and WANT to win, so it's important that we do the little things in practice in order to continue to improve.  Tomorrow is our Monday meeting.  3 minutes for each sister group.  We will be doing "legs" behind the goal AFTER practice while the sister groups get pulled out for their meeting.  Plan on being released at 5:45pm.

Game at Kamehameha vs. LeJardin on Wednesday (we will need drivers)
Game at Iolani vs. Iolani on Friday (we will need drivers)

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