Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Who will be a good leader for game warm-up?

Doug Abram, a contributing writer with the "Ask Coach Wolff" publication says:
'Aristotle said that people “learn by doing,” and not simply by listening to instruction about what to do. Parents and coaches want sports to teach children leadership skills, yet we adults sometimes forget that youth leaguers (like the rest of us) learn how to be leaders best when they actually lead."
Since I believe this to be true, we will continue to allow you to find ways to take responsibility for your success as individuals and a team.  With five games in the next three days, we have lots of time to practice our leadership skills.  One opportunity is warm-ups. Remember, YOU will be conducting your team warm-up.  How are you going to decide who leads?  Should EVERYONE have a leadership roll?  Should you take turns each game?  YOU decide.  

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